Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Linguistic Restrictions

In attempting to describe a slice of toast, I might begin by breaking down it's immediately perceivable qualities. The following is a tentative list:

1.) texture
2.) flavor
3.) appearance
4.) aroma

The bread which I've toasted (and am using in this phenomenological 'experimentation' i.e. literary exercise) is of the whole wheat variety and I've spread a good layer of blueberry jam over its surface. Now, for the tasting!

1.) A bit rough, though softens upon dissolving, seemingly melts. I've apparently swallowed, though the whole process seems to have escaped my attention.
2.) Sweet. Lacks the acidity of many jams and the blueberry is blatantly steeped in sugar. This is followed by a cut of 'nuttiness', which is an interaction of the bread and jam. The 'melting' as described in (1) tastes almost buttery, though I've not buttered this toast.
3.) Well... I've eaten the toast. This experiment was not long-lived.

And that's what happens when your subject is toast.

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This work by Kimberly Dill is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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