Saturday, April 9, 2011

Complexity in the seemingly simple.

There exists a fine line between understanding and a misconstrued, fantastical theory that leads one to further entrapment.

To begin a journey which (ideally) leads one toward understanding is the most difficult step that one can take in life. The entry point may be arbitrary and oftentimes one is forced to walk simply through the course of living. We stop to evaluate and consider the route, where shall we travel next? We fail to realize that in this very moment of consideration, we've walked a thousand paces... and we step and step again. One day we'll see, that as a result of those unguided moments of consideration, we've woven a hazy web behind us.

What then?
What now?
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This work by Kimberly Dill is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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