There was idea. The beginning always begins with the spark of something - whether the birth of man be that spark of consciousness or any ideas we bear and bring to fruition. Although I'm not sure where I'm going with this, I'm sure it'll be a fun trip. Where should we journey first?
All of this began with an idea.
A dark road spreads out before my eyes and wind blows leaves and bits of debri across my sight. The air is cold and biting and in the distance a storm is brewing. Timidly I take another step into the expanse that lay before me. There are no signs on this road thus far and yet I continue on with the faith that along the way a direction will manifest, as long as my feet don't stray from the bare path. Where I am coming from is perhaps irrelevant and where I am going remains to be seen. My only plan is forward movement. I take another step.
I've been walking for quite some time at this point and the urge to go back tugs at the corners of my mind. I pant lightly and my throat feels dry as sand paper. I wonder if I'll ever encounter any other form of life on this road, and if I do, I pray that the life is of a sort that won't intend harm. I see a light in the distance off to my right. The sky darkens rapidly as night falls. I see only dark expanse of nothing except for that prick of light and my heart seizes in my chest with wonder and awe. My mind goes through the endless possibilities of the harm that could possibly be a result of the tempting light. Against what I feel is my better judgement, I step off the road to investigate the source.
I feel the wind pick up now and tear at my clothes, whipping my hair about my head and it looks eerie- the red hair in this dark mystic light. I happen upon the edge of what one could call a yard, if there was any vegetation to be seen. A small fence lines it like the skeleton of a carcass picked dry. The apprehension hits me in a wave again, but I am tired and hungry and without any other apparent option. I step toward the house and hope for the best.